Home / ThaiBev's Sustainability
A company’s greatest capital is its employees, who contribute to the company’s reputation and are the driving force behind its success. An organization with good employee management, appropriate welfare provision, and a suitable working environment will benefit from high productivity and hence profitability. In addition, this will contribute to a good reputation and enhance morale within the organization.

The safety and well-being of all stakeholders is a fundamental right, on which ThaiBev places a high value. We have developed guidelines and a safety management system to ensure that we remain compliant with legal and international requirements on safety, occupational health and working environments for our employees, business partners and other stakeholders. This includes risk prevention measures for accidents, injuries and illnesses related to operations. We also support the development of working environments that promote employees’ physical and emotional well-being and their quality of work life.
Management Approach
The Occupational Health and Safety Network team, led by the Chief People Officer (CPO), is a group of senior executives and operational workers from all business units of ThaiBev. The team is responsible for overseeing and standardizing the company’s occupational health and safety management processes and activities. This includes identifying and reviewing work-related hazards, as well as holding regular meetings to discuss and make decisions related to employee health, safety, and well-being. The team also consults with and involves employees in the development, implementation, and evaluation of occupational health and safety management processes.

In addition to ensuring that all employees work in a safe and healthy environment in compliance with the law and international standards, the Occupational Health and Safety Network team also supports the sharing of knowledge, practices, and expertise to improve the company’s safety and occupational health practices. The team’s long-term goal is to build a sustainable and healthy workplace where employees can thrive and be well.
The “Corporate Occupational Health and Safety Policy” approved by the Board of Directors provides guidance for a healthy and safe working environment to directors, employees and all others who are working within ThaiBev’s workplace. Full versions of the policy and statement are publicly available on our website at https://sustainability.thaibev.com/en/policy_statement.php
Risks and Opportunities
ThaiBev has a process to identify hazards in the workplace. The health and safety team reviews this process once a year and conducts risk assessments when needed, such as after a near-miss incident. The team also meets weekly, monthly, and annually to discuss and make decisions about employee health, safety, and well-being. The results of the risk assessments are added to the meeting agendas so that the team can find solutions and develop plans to prevent incidents from happening again.

ThaiBev has established an anonymous reporting mechanism for raising concerns or reporting incidents that pose a risk of injury or illness. Additionally, all employees receive annual health and safety training to enhance their ability to identify and mitigate potential hazards, both within the workplace and in their personal lives. All reported cases will be thoroughly investigated and utilized to enhance the company’s health and safety practices.

From the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has learnt the importance of collaboration, preparation, adaptability, and crisis management. Collaboration on effective measures such as social distancing and disease prevention strategies is crucial to mitigate the spread of the disease. Additionally, preparing for patient care by streamlining hospital admissions and ensuring adequate supplies of personal protective equipment, medications, and medical supplies is essential. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances, including adopting work-from-home arrangements and online meetings, is vital. Moreover, the ability to effectively manage a crisis by procuring vaccines and implementing factory lockdowns to safeguard production is essential.
Management Process
With the objectives of controlling, managing, and eliminating hazards and reducing risks for both regular and non-routine jobs, hazard identification and risk assessment are conducted once a year for all activities, areas, and services. Risks are assessed as to their severity and the likelihood of their occurrence, according to the procedures of Job Safety Analysis (JSA), which is required by ISO 45001:2018.

After any incident where a significant level of risk is detected, a risk mitigation plan will be created, including the preparation of a Safety Standard Operation Procedure (SSOP), in accordance with requirements. Additionally, ThaiBev expects all suppliers and business partners to develop mitigation plans for emergency situations to reduce the potential losses and casualties and to strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations.

ThaiBev ensures that our operators work according to the occupational health and safety management system standard ISO 45001 and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2011.

Our OHS program aims to provide appropriate occupational health, safety and working environments for employees and all others who are working within ThaiBev’s workplace through the following principles:
  • Hazard identification and risk assessment by setting the scope, identifying all operational steps, identifying potentially important effects that may impact on people, communities, environments, and assets, as well as determining appropriate control measures and prioritizing action plans to reduce the risk to a non-severe and acceptable level.
  • Emergency and Crisis Management Plan: integrate emergency plans and ensure that the organization is well prepared for handling emergency and crisis situations, as well as to prevent and reduce the impact on occupational health and safety that may occur. Internal audit and external audit to assess the success of the operations and evaluate progress with related stakeholders in reducing identified health and safety risks.
  • The procedure for investigating injuries, illnesses, diseases or incidents related to work should identify the root causes to lead to further improvement in control and preventive measures.
  • Establishing in-house experts and safety trainers to support the Community-based Disaster Risk Management Program (CBDRM), to ensure that effective safety training is provided to employees within the organization at all levels as well as to the surrounding communities.
  • Setting procurement standards with occupational health and safety criteria to evaluate suppliers’ ability to comply with the occupational health and safety standards of the organization.

To meet legal and internal standards, ThaiBev has set guidelines in four areas:

ThaiBev is committed to implementing high-quality safety management systems and so far 27 facilities have been certified to ISO 45001 standards. The corporate safety team continues to conduct periodic onsite safety inspections at all facilities, both in Thailand and overseas. ThaiBev has established safety clinics with volunteer teams to create a safety culture. There are various channels for OHS communication through the complaints system that are accessible to all employees, including documents, phone calls and e-mails. A communication channel has also been established on the Line application whereby employees can receive information conveniently and quickly and can interact through this two-way platform. The effectiveness of communications is measured by the event team, who proactively conduct questionnaires online with the target group of each activity, to gauge their levels of understanding before and after. All employees cooperate very well in completing these questionnaires.

In addition, there is a monthly safety meeting in each area, attended by representatives from management and employees. These meetings determine what safety activities should be conducted, including handling complaints or suggestions from employees. The meeting committee conducts the discussion and determines any corrective measures, as well as following up on any earlier action points.

ThaiBev implements comprehensive emergency response measures, including training for fire, confined spaces, forklift operation, radiation, spills, floods, waste management, boiler explosions, chlorine leaks, ammonia leaks, and oil spills.

ThaiBev also conducts mandatory training on subjects such as fire safety and road safety for employees and other relevant parties, daily safety briefings at the beginning of each working day at production plants, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety standards training, and training for safety officers in all business units.


FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Fatalities 2 2 2 0


FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Fatalities 0 1 0 1


FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
LTIFR (n/million hours worked) 1.71 1.43 1.36 2.01
Data coverage (as % of revenues) 80.1 81.4 76.3 85.2


FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
LTIFR (n/million hours worked) 1.74 0.69 1.05 5.70
Data coverage (as % of revenues) 80.1 81.4 76.3 85.2
OHS Prioritization and Action Plans
The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001) requires organizations to assess risks and opportunities that may arise in the workplace in order to control risks and promote opportunities to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.
Risk Level Classification: Based on the risk and opportunity assessment, risks are classified into 5 levels as follows:
  • Level 1: Unacceptable Risk
    This refers to risks with a high probability of causing serious injury or death. Work must be stopped immediately, and corrective action must be taken until the risk is reduced to an acceptable level.
  • Level 2: High Risk
    This refers to risks with a moderate to high probability of causing injury. Measures must be taken to reduce the risk within a specified timeframe.
  • Level 3: Moderate Risk
    This refers to risks with a low to moderate probability of causing injury. Measures must be taken to reduce the risk by developing a work control and monitoring plan.
  • Level 4: Acceptable Risk
    This refers to risks with a very low probability of causing injury. Work practices must be controlled and monitored closely to prevent the risk from increasing.
  • Level 5: Minor Risk
    This refers to risks with a negligible probability of causing injury. No further action is required, but ongoing monitoring and control must be maintained.
Managing Very High Risks: For very high risks, a mitigation plan or emergency plan must be developed, including:
  • Responsible person
  • Response procedures
  • Annual plan review
  • Risk register
For risks at levels 1 and 2, a risk elimination plan must be developed and reviewed at least annually. The effectiveness of the plan can be measured using the action plan, key performance indicators (KPIs), and key outcome indicators (KAIs).

ThaiBev has assigned responsible people to monitor the progress of risk management plan implementation on a monthly basis. This is done to ensure that the implementation of the plan is aligned with the organization's OH&S goals. The risk management process is also reviewed whenever there are relevant internal or external changes that could impact the organization's OH&S and potentially hinder the achievement of its set goals, or at least reviewed once a year.
Risk Management Review
A report on the review of the organization's OH&S risk management system is prepared every 6 months for the management and relevant stakeholders.

Key Aspects of the Risk Management Process
Establishment of Objectives and Targets: Clearly defined objectives and targets for safety performance are established and regularly monitored and measured.

Reporting and Review: Performance results are reported at various meetings, including the OH&S Committee, Monthly, Weekly, Progress, and Management Review meetings.

Regular Review of Risk Assessments: Risk assessments are reviewed periodically, at least annually, or whenever changes occur.
Occupational Health
  • Care:
    ThaiBev prioritizes employee health by providing onsite medical care and health consultations. The Employee Wellness Team has partnered with a reputable clinic to offer Telemedicine, another option for employees to consult a doctor. This service aims to increase employee convenience while guaranteeing high-quality treatment and care. All full-time employees are covered by life insurance, and the company will pay all hospital expenses and compensation for work-related injuries and disabilities, as applicable.
  • Prevention:
    ThaiBev enforces extensive measures to mitigate health hazards and potential injuries, setting rigorous standards for personal protective equipment (PPE) and work instructions throughout all its factories. It also conducts thorough pre-employment and annual health assessments to safeguard the well-being of its workforce. Moreover, the company proactively identifies potential health risks by prominently displaying warning signs in designated hazardous areas.
  • Treatment:
    In addition to the social security contributions that the company pays under the law, ThaiBev provides employees with comprehensive healthcare coverage, including support for outpatient medical expenses, accident insurance, and inpatient illness insurance.
  • Check-ups:
    ThaiBev provides quality and affordable health check-up services to all employees nationwide. Employees can quickly and conveniently access their check-up reports (up to five years back) via the Beverest Life application. Education: ThaiBev offers online educational resources and training on healthcare and common diseases, including office syndrome and stress reduction, for employees and their families. Additionally, the company provides basic life-saving skills training and a first-aid CPR AED training course.
Working Environment
ThaiBev’s Asset Management and Services (ASM) office established the Central Engineering and Special Projects team in 2020 to conduct comprehensive inspections of office facilities and systems. This ensures the safety, efficiency, and compliance of ThaiBev’s office spaces, providing a healthy, productive, and enjoyable work environment for employees.

The inspections cover a wide range of areas, including electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, sanitary, fire prevention, other engineering systems, architectural image, and building services. The team also provides engineering consultancy, safety and occupational health management, energy and waste management, IT infrastructure coordination, office services support, and EV charging station implementation.
Employee Well-being Support Programs
Work-from-home Arrangements
ThaiBev believes that working from home can boost productivity, morale, and agility, while also protecting employee health and safety, especially during adverse situations such as environmental issues, political unrest, and pandemics. To support this, the company has implemented work-from-home guidelines, training, and essential equipment. ThaiBev has also updated its wellness programs to emphasize exercise, ergonomics, and stress management. Additionally, the company has made arrangements to support disabled employees working from home who face challenges commuting to work.
Part-time Working Options
ThaiBev offers part-time employment options, requiring employees to work with their supervisors to determine schedules and conditions. Within this option, all employees can request approval for part-time work through the Time Management System in the Beverest Life application. Part-time work is common among retail employees, such as those at QSA (KFC) and Oishi restaurants.
Family Policies
  • ThaiBev values employees’ work–family balance, recognizing that it is essential to productivity and morale. The company offers various initiatives to create a more supportive and family-friendly work environment, including:
    • Providing space or playgrounds at factories for children while they accompany or wait for their parents
    • Offering private breastfeeding rooms at all offices and production plants
    • Expanded childcare facilities to include classes and recreational activities during school vacations
    • Hosting an annual Children’s Day event that brings together children and their parents for special activities, field trips, and CSR activities
  • ThaiBev prioritizes the well-being of employees and their families. Primary caregivers are eligible for up to 33 weeks of total paid leave, which includes maternity leave for prenatal and postnatal care. Non-primary caregivers can receive up to 13 weeks of paid leave. The employee handbook also outlines provisions for extended leave beyond parental leave to care for ill or deceased family members, subject to approval from their supervisors.
  • ThaiBev values the education of employees’ children. It provides scholarships for them at all levels of education, up to university, and provides knowledge sessions to enhance their educational opportunities. For example, it provides guidance on the TCAS education system.
  • ThaiBev awarded 1,074 scholarships worth 7.02 million Baht to employees’ children in 2023, helping to alleviate their financial burdens. Over the past 14 years, ThaiBev has granted a total of 14,880 scholarships worth 92.9 million Baht.
  • The company provides financial assistance to employees for hosting funerals, in the event of the death of immediate family members, including parents and spouses.
Parental leave 2023 Male Female
Total number of employees that were entitled to parental leave 14,738 9,440
Total number of employees that took parental leave 190 215
Total number of employees that returned to work in the reporting period after parental leave ended 189 208
Total number of employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work 173 192
Return to work rate of employees that took parental leave 99.47% 96.74%
  2023 Performance Target
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) - employees 2.05 Achieving an LTIFR of lower than 1.0 by 2025
Fatalities employees 0 0
* Excludes Operations in Vietnam
Key Projects
Beverest Life
Since 2020, the Beverest Life application, which is available for all mobile devices, has been continually updated to provide online services for employees’ needs. This includes news, promotions, company product deals, and other privileges. More importantly, the app supports real-time push notifications, alerts, and warnings about important news and events on a variety of topics, such as health, politics, and emergencies.

In addition to the above, the app supports the following human capital-related activities:
  • Medical Claims:
    Employees’ medical expenses can be reimbursed with online approval, receiving the money within one day.
  • E-Pay Slip and 50BIS:
    Employees can view pay slips online and can download the 50BIS document for tax-filing purposes.
  • Employment Certificate:
    Employees can request an employment certificate/salary certificate to apply for a visa or for a loan from banks.
  • My Learning:
    Online courses are provided via the platform, including PDPA, the Code of Conduct, Anti- Discrimination, and Cybersecurity. Employees can learn and relearn repeatedly.
  • Internal Jobs:
    Internal openings can be viewed and applied for via the application, with a function to filter the jobs by businesses, job families, job levels, locations, and keywords.
  • Health Check-up:
    Individuals can view and download a prompt and detailed health check-up report online.
  • Time Management System (TMS):
    Applications for all types of leave, tracking time attendance, and requesting overtime, can be done online.
  • Employee Engagement:
    An engagement survey is available online for all employees to improve participation rates and ease of use.
  • Online Check-In:
    Contactless check-in and check-out can be done daily online with automatic location detection.
Employee Preparation Program for a Better Life after Retirement 2023
ThaiBev holds an annual training program and retirement ceremony to express gratitude and appreciation for its retiring employees’ long-standing service. They deserve to be formally recognized, congratulated, and honored for their work and achievements for the company. Everyone associated with ThaiBev, especially the CEO and senior executives, deeply appreciates their contributions. In 2023, the program covered the following knowledge:
  • Benefits from the company
  • Benefits from government agencies, such as social security
  • Management of retirement savings
  • Opportunities to connect and exchange knowledge through a Line group with previously retired colleagues, creating a sense of community and support during this important time of life
  • Knowledge sharing for employees about physical and mental health care, including exercise, nutrition, and stress management
419 senior employees from 67 ThaiBev companies and subsidiaries nationwide participated in the program. Although the program is targeted at those nearing retirement, we welcome employees of all ages as we value the importance of early retirement planning.

The program concluded with a touching farewell ceremony for retired employees, who were presented with certificates and gold pins as souvenirs from the CEO.
ThaiBev Clubs
ThaiBev fosters a supportive work environment that prioritizes the physical and emotional well-being of its employees. Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, the company has consistently valued a harmonious work-life integration. For over a decade, ThaiBev has actively supported the “ThaiBev Clubs” initiatives, allocating a budget of 300,000 Baht annually for each club to engage in collaborative activities.

Today, ThaiBev boasts 12 employee clubs, catering to diverse interests, namely football, badminton, running, cycling, tennis, golf, bowling, off-roading, healthcare, photography, music, and ASEAN.
Employee Health and Well-Being Online Projects
ThaiBev continues to host online wellness activities throughout the year to strengthen employee– organization relationships and promote employee health. The project covers physical and mental health, nutrition, and financial management. It features nine lectures by experts from hospitals, nutritionists, and financial institutions, as well as at least two annual exercise activities (walking, running, and healthy eating). Here are some examples of the activities:
  • Online health education.
    The topics for health education by experts for employees were based on the statistics from the 2022 employee health check-up results.
  • Exercise promotion activities.
    The types of exercise activities are selected based on the interests of employees, referring to the statistics on the number of participants in each activity in 2022.
  • Nutrition education.
    Experts provide accurate nutrition education based on the principles of hygiene and health. Topics include: Choosing foods based on the 2:1:1 ratio, as recommended by the Nutrition Bureau, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health.
  • Office syndrome.
    Employees were educated on the topic, as it was observed that they tend to work in inappropriate postures for a long period of time, which is a cause of the symptoms that lead to the disease.
  • Friday Live.
    Building relationships with employees through health information presentations, with fun activities such as answering questions about health, company products, and organizational activities, every Friday.
  • The Pun Sook (“sharing happiness”)
    is a flea market that provides opportunities for employees, retirees and affiliates companies’ employees to sell products at low prices, helping them generate extra income. It is also a place for them to meet, exchange ideas, and strengthen relationships.
Spirits Group
  • Highest honor award - 2023 Outstanding Establishments in Labor Relations and Labor Welfare (national level): 4 factories
  • Honor award - 2023 Outstanding Establishments in Labor Relations and Labor Welfare (national level): 5 factories
  • 2023 Outstanding Establishments in Labor Relations and Labor Welfare (national level): 3 factories
  • 2023 Outstanding Establishment Award: for Safety, Occupational Health, and Working Environment: Platinum Award for 1 factory, and Gold Award: 3 factories
  • 2023 Outstanding Model Business Establishment Award for Safety, Occupational Health, and Working Environment (provincial level): 1 factory
  • Zero Accident Campaign 2023 (Bronze Level): 2 factories
Beer Group
  • National Level Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Environment Management, for the sixth consecutive year
  • National Level Award for Excellence in Labor Relations and Labor Welfare, for the fifth consecutive year
  • National Level Award for Disease-Free, Safe and Healthy Workplaces, Gold Medal Award, for the first year Good Labour Practice (GLP) Award
  • National Outstanding Safety Officer Award
Non-Alcoholic Beverage (NAB) & Food Group
  • Sermsuk: 3 awards in the Zero Accident Campaign and ISO 45001:2018
  • Oishi:
    • 3 factories were certified to ISO 45001 standard
    • 2 factories received Zero Accident Awards
    • 1 factory received the National Level Award for Excellence in Occupational Health and Safety for the sixth consecutive year
Thai Beverage Logistics (TBL)
  • Reduced the cost of hiring external trainers on safety in working with hazardous chemicals and responding to chemical spill emergencies in 4 sites, and fire drill and evacuation training, in 41 sites
  • National Level Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Environment Management, in 4 sites
  • Provincial Level Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Environment Management, in 3 sites
  • Award for Promoting Safety, Occupational Health, and Working Environment in High-Risk Operations (Transportation), in 5 sites
  • National Outstanding Safety Officer Award