Home / ThaiBev's Sustainability
ThaiBev believes that successful organizations work together with their employees to create growth and learning experiences that ultimately strengthen both individual and company performance. Providing employees with development and advancement opportunities, and helping them address various skills gaps, are important aspects that can strengthen ThaiBev as a company. We also ensure that all staff have equal opportunities to excel in their work and grow to their full potential.

ThaiBev is committed to being among the best employers in ASEAN and strongly believes that career satisfaction and advancement opportunities motivate employees to give long-term commitment to our organization.
Management Approach
ThaiBev places great emphasis on developing human capital and strengthening organizational capabilities, and has established the Human Capital and Organization Capabilities (HC&OC) to support the company’s aspiration to become a stable and sustainable ASEAN leader.

HC&OC works closely with the Human Capital Business Partner (HCBP) in each product group and business unit, to establish the HC&OC strategy, policy, and plan to support business strategies and objectives. In addition, the central HC&OC works with each country/market HC&OC Support & Operations teams to ensure both execution of HC&OC strategy and excellence in HC service delivery, in order to create meaningful employee experiences at every touchpoint.

This management approach enables ThaiBev to develop and mobilize talent across countries and business units, and helps to foster collaboration and share best practices, in line with our “Limitless Opportunities” objective.
ThaiBev strives to provide limitless opportunities for employees, incorporating diversity, equality, and inclusiveness into our business operations. The company aims to ensure equal opportunities for its diverse workforce to grow in their careers. To strengthen human capital, create oneness, enhance diversity awareness, and prepare employees for change, ThaiBev has identified seven human capital management strategies:
Strategy 1:
Clear Structure and Roles
  • Arrange the organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities to support the company’s business strategy and PASSION 2025.
  • Expand and develop competencies and options for career paths corresponding to ThaiBev’s organizational structure, roles and responsibilities.
Strategy 2:
Market-oriented Compensation and Benefits
Continuously monitor job market dynamics and ThaiBev’s demand for personnel to set appropriate compensation and benefits standards for ThaiBev Group companies.
Strategy 3:
Recognition-based Performance Management
  • Develop a comprehensive employee performance management system and expand channels for system accessibility that meets the needs of employees in all age groups.
  • Ensure fair performance evaluation and set talent development plans to unlock employee potential, enabling them to work towards their goals, and strive to achieve excellence.
Strategy 4:
Holistic People Development
Promote a learning culture for employees to develop their capabilities. ThaiBev develops employees’ potential according to the 70:20:10 model* for learning and development. It also emphasizes digital literacy and the implementation of individual development plans (IDP), as well as employee progress-tracking.
Strategy 5:
Proactive Succession and Workforce Planning
Prepare employees and executives identified as potential successors to ensure seamless transitions and business continuity, enhancing the sustainability of the organization.
Strategy 6:
Strategic Talent Acquisition and Onboarding
Recruit and select personnel who have appropriate knowledge, abilities and skills to perform their jobs as required by the organization and aim to reach and attract potential candidates to join the organization, especially those from the new generation, who are highly capable of adapting in the digital age.
Strategy 7:
Engaging Corporate Culture
Build knowledge, understanding, and engagement by fostering a sense of oneness through the global values of the ThaiBev Group, promoting employees’ continuous engagement to encourage appropriate behaviour in line with corporate values.
*70% learning on the job; 20% learning from peers; 10% learning in the classroom
Talent Attraction and Retention
Organizations that invest in talent attraction and retention can expect to see financial benefits in the long term. Productivity gains can offset initial training costs, and reduced turnover costs bring financial benefits. Effective talent retention strategies lead to lower turnover rates, and competitive benefits can boost morale and productivity.

Over the long term, skilled employees drive growth and innovation, which can lead to a competitive advantage. A positive reputation attracts top talents, and a strong succession pipeline reduces the risk of leadership disruptions.
Management Process
Talent attraction and retention at ThaiBev involves three strategies: strategic talent acquisition and onboarding; market-oriented compensation and benefits; and contribution-based performance management.

The scope of the Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Team is as follows:
  • Talent Sourcing:
    Develop effective strategies to attract potential candidates, particularly from the new generation, who possess agility and a high capability to adapt in the digital age.
  • Candidate Selection:
    Conduct structured screening and interviews to evaluate candidates’ suitability for the organization and the specific job role.
  • Candidate Experience:
    Ensure a positive and professional candidate experience throughout the recruitment and selection process. Onboarding: Collaborate with other departments to facilitate a smooth onboarding process for early success.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    Regularly review and enhance recruitment and selection processes to align with industry best practices and organizational goals.
In terms of compensation and benefits management, ThaiBev is committed to providing fair compensation to all employees in all countries. We adhere to legal requirements in providing employees with welfare and benefits, including established standards for remuneration management, performance management, and internal promotion.

We are dedicated to assessing fair remuneration for our employees by conducting regular market benchmarking and job evaluations, in order to align job value and grading across the group.

Furthermore, ThaiBev deploys a Total Rewards Strategy, which includes holistic compensation and benefits programs to recognize talent and encourage collaboration with positive behavior.

Management by objectives
Since ThaiBev Vision has set the target of "Our Vision is to be the Stable and Sustainable ASEAN Leader in Beverage and Food Business," and aims to achieve PASSION 2025 within two years, it's crucial that the Executive and Management team respond to this mission of growth. Their aspiration and a well-built team are essential for contributing and embodying the values of growth.

To achieve this, ThaiBev has defined multiple performance appraisal practices to evaluate and incentivize employees across various roles. Key methods include:
  • Management by Objectives (MBO) utilizing SMART KPIs tied to OKRs: This ensures objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, aligning with Overall Key Results.
  • A multidimensional approach assessing performance level, character, and peer-recognized contributions: This provides a holistic view of employee performance.
  • An annual formal comparative ranking with calibrate scoring and distribution curves to identify top performers: This method allows for fair and accurate identification of high achievers.
  • Continuous Conversations: These daily dialogues cover performance monitoring, planning, safety, and issue resolution, particularly for sales and operations teams, fostering open communication and problem-solving.
This comprehensive performance management system aims to:
  • Align individual efforts with company objectives.
  • Recognize valuable contributions through bonuses and recognition programs.
  • Provide constructive feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Identify high-potential employees for development opportunities.
  • Foster an engaged, collaborative, and productive workforce.
This multifaceted approach underscores ThaiBev's commitment to nurturing talent and driving overall achievement.
Multidimensional performance appraisal (e.g. 360 degree feedback)
ThaiBev recognizes the importance of performance evaluation and fostering a performance culture. A high-performance culture emphasizes the most beneficial behaviors and expectations that lead to superior organizational results. This includes setting specific business plans and expecting employees to achieve those goals. Employers and managers also play a crucial role in defining employee duties and supporting their growth and advancement.

ThaiBev Group conducts performance assessments twice a year. During these evaluations, employees set goals for their performance in the mid-year and year-end reviews.
The assessment uses three KPI categories:
  • Group Performance:
    This measures efficient allocation of work goals to ensure that business results align with the organization's vision and strategy.
  • BU Shared KPI (a financial measure):
    This focuses on allocating operational goals within business groups/functions and teams to achieve strategic goals. It measures the business performance of each function and directly increases competitiveness.
  • Individual KPI:
    This focuses on setting individual goals that align with roles, responsibilities, and can be concretely measured. The goals should be consistent with the organization's and business group's goals. It also emphasizes setting goals that drive the organization forward by focusing on "WOW" (Way of Work), Sustainability Development, and People Development.
The Global value: ThaiBev integrates its core values (3C: Collaboration, Creating Value, Caring for Stakeholders) into its performance evaluation process during both mid-year and year-end appraisals for employees, specifically the Key Behavior Indicators (KBIs). The aim is to ensure the right organizational culture is fostered by aligning the right people with reward performance based on these values.

The 360-degree feedback: ThaiBev utilizes 360-degree feedback as part of its multidimensional performance assessment process. This method gathers feedback from various sources, including subordinates, colleagues, and supervisors, to provide a well-rounded evaluation of an employee's performance beyond just individual self-assessment. This feedback is particularly valuable for identifying and developing "Talent" employees at level 8 and above, categorized as TOP Talent, to enhance their capabilities for the long term.

The satisfaction survey: The satisfaction survey is conducted to measure both internal and external perceptions. Internally, it assesses satisfaction among employees across different business units and throughout the employee lifecycle (their journey within the organization). Externally, it measures customer satisfaction.

The Human Capital department leverages this survey data to track temporary employee status. This information helps them develop short-term HR strategies and design focus groups to improve employee retention.
Team-based performance appraisal
ThaiBev utilizes a team and business unit (BU) performance appraisal with senior management committee; involving evaluation by BU heads and chiefs, followed by calibration, where the team's performance is discussed about achievement and the values of team success in fiscal year. Moreover, the team-based performance approach fosters a culture of collaboration and shared successes across the ThaiBev Group and strengthens how they worked together and create a value of growth in the organization’s purpose and target.

In FY2023, the Human Capital Group continued to proactively implement a team-based performance appraisal system. Approximately 656 teams were formally evaluated and received annual bonuses based on their performance. Business unit heads and executives reassessed team performance using criteria centered on team contributions and outcomes, rather than solely individual achievements.

A Team Assessment practice used a bell curve method to rank team performance across product groups (PGs) by job family and related job families. The results of this assessment served as supplementary data for the rewards scheme.

ThaiBev's reward scheme considers both individual achievements and team's overall performance (BU Performance). It's designed to reflect the multi-functional nature of their Team and aligns with individual performance. A segmented tier system is used for Team performance contributions, with a corresponding portion allocated to the bonus pool of that PG/BU. In addition, this reward system will create employee engagement with high performers and emphasize on short-term and long-term commitment in ThaiBev Group.
Agile conversation
ThaiBev promotes timely feedback to foster a supportive work environment. Employees can address challenges and seek assistance from their team.

We employ a two-way communication approach. Line managers offer constructive feedback on achievements and skills, using group coaching for continuous improvement. Simultaneously, open team communication is encouraged, allowing employees to share ideas and align team goals. Digital tools facilitate collaboration and connection.

Regular feedback is integrated into various processes:
  • Daily meetings: Address daily tasks, share information, make decisions, and adjust plans.
  • Weekly and monthly meetings: Monitor progress and provide feedback.
  • Quarterly meetings and town halls: Share company performance, business direction, and future goals.
ThaiBev is committed to refining agile conversation practices to empower teams, build trust, and create a fulfilling work environment for all generations.
Coaching Types Based on Team/PG/BU:
  • One-on-One Communication:
    This channel involves informal meetings between supervisors and employees throughout the workday. Additionally, the company sets guidelines for formal one-on-one meetings twice a year during mid-year and year-end evaluations. These one-on-one sessions help employees review their performance for improved effectiveness and productivity throughout the fiscal year. They also facilitate the development of successful short-term individual development plans (IDP).
  • Group Coaching:
    This channel uses town hall meetings with employees quarterly to share and update business performance. This approach helps build team commitment to business targets and drive results across sales, marketing, operations, and supply chain teams as they work towards their KPIs.
  • Team Coaching:
    This channel focuses on team building, fostering relationships within teams (including cross-functional teams). It aims to engage and motivate team members, especially junior employees, by promoting a fast-learning culture and shaping employee behavior to align with ThaiBev's DNA. Furthermore, this practice can bridge the generational gap among different generations (e.g. Gen X, Y, and Z) within the organization, fostering a happy and harmonious work environment in the long run.
People Analytics
ThaiBev focuses on understanding and predicting employees’ situations and working contexts by optimizing the extensive employee data collected from various human capital platforms. These include EC (Employee Center Data), TMS (Time Management System), Beverest–PMS (Performance Management System), My Career (Career Opportunity Navigation), My IDP (Individual Development Platform), and My Learning (Learning Management System) During the fiscal year 2022–2023, ThaiBev initiated two significant projects:
  • Career Dashboard Development: This in-house analytics solution, empowers line managers and the Human Capital team with real-time access to employees’ career-related data. The platform enables tracking and monitoring of employees’ IDP planning and execution, presenting integrated data in a user-friendly dashboard view.
  • People Analytics Labs: ThaiBev launched a development program aimed at elevating data analytics within the Human Capital team. This program incorporates action-based learning, assigning projects to generate analytics dashboards with insights in the Human Capital area. Examples include a Sales Incentive Dashboard to enhance the fairness and effectiveness of sales incentive schemes and a Driver Accident Dashboard to predict factors leading to accidents and design solutions to mitigate risks.
Recognizing the importance of incentivizing and retaining committed employees for long-term sustainability, ThaiBev has implemented a Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP). This program rewards management and staff across the ThaiBev Group with company shares, contingent upon achieving predetermined performance targets. The LTIP serves the strategic objectives of retaining valuable talent, attracting exceptional professionals, motivating employees to excel, aligning workforce interests with those of shareholders and stakeholders, and ultimately maximizing long-term shareholder value. Oversight is provided by the Board-approved Long Term Incentive Plan Committee, which handles matters such as participant eligibility, administration, and criteria for granting awards. Through this comprehensive long-term incentive strategy, ThaiBev aims to foster a high-performance culture, recognize dedication, and ensure its human capital remains committed to driving sustainable growth and profitability. The average paid out of our long-term incentives for employees is 3 years

Although the LTIP targets employees mainly at Levels 12-15 (Managers to Directors), the consideration is also open to white-collars employees of lower levels with exceptional performance and contribution. The percentage of our employees that this program applies to is 17.76%.

The LTIP program rewards management and staff across the ThaiBev Group with company shares, contingent upon achieving predetermined performance targets. Incentive payout for LTIP is linked to employee's performance and contribution to the company and its businesses, where sustainability performance is one of the main categories in the balance score card of employees from junior management level to CEO. LTIP payout and share allocation are calculated through formula which considers both employee performance including short term and long-term sustainability related performance, and S&P DJSI CSA score. Therefore, the achievement of sustainability target in the first performance year as well as the second performance year is strongly linked to the level of incentive that the employees will be rewarded.
  Target by 2023 Target by 2030
Employees engaged with positive experience 83% 90%
Employee Engagement

ThaiBev regularly reviews and tracks employees’ engagement and satisfaction according to different driving factors. In 2023, our overall engagement level according to “Say–Stay–Strive” methodology improved from 80% to 83%, meeting our annual target. The improvement can be attributed to our continuous efforts to improve, especially in performance management, human capital development, and work tasks, which are high scoring areas.
ThaiBev Internship Program for ASEAN Students
Our flagship talent attraction program, the ThaiBev Internship Program for ASEAN Students continues to build a strong pipeline of candidates for the company in 2023. The program helps ThaiBev strengthen its regional position and provides valuable experience and learning opportunities for young people across the region.

International and local interns from six ASEAN countries participated in the two-month program this year. The core of the program is on-the-job training in various business units and job functions, such as local and international marketing, business development, human capital, finance, and supply chain management.

The program also includes a youth networking program that covers leadership, CSR, and ASEAN arts and culture projects, as well as networking sessions with ThaiBev top executives and ASEAN young professionals, and career advice sessions. The program continues to receive positive feedback from participants, with an overall score of 95% in the program satisfaction survey. Once again this year, 100% of the interns expressed their desire to join ThaiBev after graduation.

Key Project
SCM Young Gen Development Program
In 2023, in line with PASSION 2025 and its business goals, ThaiBev developed the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Young Gen Development Program to nurture high-potential operational-level employees and foster their long-term career growth within the company. This strategic initiative not only addresses the company’s need for a skilled and future-ready workforce but also serves as a powerful program for retaining young talent. The program cultivates leadership, professional, and management skills through a diverse range of learning methods, including immersive classroom sessions, knowledge-sharing sessions led by experienced executives, and hands-on training. Additionally, the program incorporates action-based learning, where employees apply their newly acquired skills to tackle real-world business challenges under the expert guidance of project sponsors and coaches.

The inaugural batch demonstrated their exceptional talent and problem-solving abilities by developing six comprehensive business plans that align with ThaiBev’s sustainability strategies. These innovative plans have generated approximately 140 million Baht in revenue and contributed to cost savings of approximately 30 million Baht through the implementation of efficiency-enhancing work processes.

The program demonstrates ThaiBev’s approach to talent development and retention. Through comprehensive learning and development opportunities, ThaiBev empowers its young employees to become future leaders and drive sustainable growth. This investment ensures a continuous pipeline of talented leaders and positions ThaiBev as an attractive employer for young professionals.
Human Capital Development

Rapid changes in business landscape and skill requirements can make it difficult for employees to keep up and can unravel previously successful career paths. To mitigate this risk, ThaiBev strategically invests in employee development. This involves identifying the skills and knowledge that employees need in order to support the company’s business goals and providing them with the training and resources they need to develop those skills and knowledge.

Investing in employee development can result in a number of benefits in the medium term, including improved productivity, reduced turnover, and increased innovation. New skills can also help drive new revenue streams for the company.

In the long term, ThaiBev’s investment in employee development will yield long-term benefits, including a competitive edge, a stronger leadership pipeline, reduced recruitment costs, and the ability to attract top talent.
Holistic People Development
ThaiBev’s Holistic People Development program ensures sustainable business growth and employee career advancement through a competency model, career path, and training programs. The company measures learning effectiveness using the Kirkpatrick model, as well as adding one more level of objective beyond business results, namely career growth.

ThaiBev promotes a culture of continuous development through individual development plans (IDPs) and collaboration between employees, line managers, and the human capital team, who engage in training and development actions such as coaching and follow-up. This approach ensures the effectiveness of people development and aligns with the company’s belief in sustainable employee growth, while fulfilling the aspirations of our people.
Employee Development Infrastructure
Workforce Breakdown

Women in
The total workforce
By 2030

Women in
All Management Positions
(as% of all management workforce)
By 2030

Women in
Junior Management Positions
(as% of all junior management workforce)
By 2030

Women in
Top Management Positions
(as% of all senior management workforce)
By 2030

All management positions Women in
Revenue-Generating Positions
(as% of all management in Revenue-Generating Positions)
By 2030

Women in
Stem-Related Positions
(as% of all management in Stem-Related Positions)
By 2030
Indicator Difference between men and women employees (%)
Mean gender pay gap 1.19
Median gender pay gap 20.18
Mean bonus gap -0.33
Median bonus gap -34.34
Race, Ethnicity & Nationality
Nationality Total Workforce % of Total Workforce Management Workforce % of Total Management Workforce

33,303 90.46% 2,252 88.84%

1 0.00% 0 0.00%

1 0.00% 0 0.04%
Réunion 2 0.01% 3 0.12%

1,743 4.73% 127 5.01%

1 0.00% 0 0.00%

2 0.01% 1 0.04%

30 0.08% 16 0.63%

New Zealander
1 0.00% 1 0.04%

2 0.01% 2 0.08%

1,451 3.94% 1 0.04%

9 0.02% 8 0.32%

1 0.00% 0 0.00%

2 0.01% 2 0.08%

22 0.06% 18 0.71%

3 0.01% 3 0.12%

234 0.64% 92 3.63%

1 0.00% 0 0.00%

1 0.00% 0 0.04%

Hong Kong
1 0.00% 0 0.04%

2 0.01% 2 0.08%
Pakistani 1 0.00% 1 0.04%
Filipino 1 0.00% 1 0.04%

Sri Lanka
2 0.01% 2 0.08%
*Breakdown Data consist of ThaiBev Group (Thailand), Oishi PLC, Sermsuk PLC, and Grand Royal Group (Myanmar), International Beverage Holding Limited
Training and Development

Training hours
Total training hours

Average training hours totalled

Average amount spent per FTE
Average Training Hours by Gender


Executive Level Middle Management Department Head / Supervisor Senior Officer Officer
Highlight Employee Development Programs
ThaiBev’s Logistics Functional Development Program
Number of Participants: 817 (1.56% of FTEs)
  • Prioritizing Efficiency in Transportation
    To enhance efficiency in transportation activities, Thai Beverage Logistics (TBL) prioritizes optimizing existing resources throughout its operations. This focus on productivity improvement is a key tool for achieving cost reduction while delivering the highest service standards to customers, ultimately creating a competitive advantage.
  • Investing in People
    Supporting this business focus, the HR team has designed a comprehensive "People Development Program" centered on productivity improvement in logistics. The program carefully guides selected participants on a learning journey.
  • Building Knowledge and Implementation
    The first stage equips participants with essential knowledge, practices, and theories related to logistics-specific productivity improvement. Participants then translate this knowledge into action by developing project proposals aimed at optimizing current operations.
  • Expert Mentorship and Project Implementation
    To ensure project quality, Khon Kaen University experts closely mentor participants. Upon project approval, participants are empowered to implement them with ongoing support from project sponsors. Project results, particularly cost savings, are closely monitored.
  • Recognition and Career Growth
    The project with the highest cost savings is recognized and rewarded. By demonstrating this critical logistics skill – process improvement – participants gain valuable experience and enhance their career development opportunities.
Business benefits of the program:
  • Streamlined operations through reduced time and unnecessary processes.
  • Minimized operational losses, and at the same time, cost reduction through improved efficiency.
  • Equip participants with knowledge and practical skills in logistics productivity improvement.
  • Encourage application of learned knowledge to optimize their assigned operations.
  • Enhance participants' career development by empowering them to leverage acquired skills in daily tasks
Quantitative impact of business benefits
  • Cost Savings Through Improved Efficiency
    This learning program delivers significant monetary benefits through cost savings in our logistics operations. Thanks to implemented productivity improvement projects, Thai Beverage Logistics achieved a total of 3.41 million baht in savings.
  • The program offers additional non-monetary benefits
    Skill Enhancement and Professional Growth: Employees gain valuable knowledge and practical skills in logistics productivity improvement. Developing and implementing projects provides hands-on experience, fostering their professional capabilities and career prospects.
  • Confidence and Empowerment:
    Close mentorship from university experts empowers participants to implement projects. This valuable guidance enriches their learning experience and boosts their confidence in their abilities and decision-making skills.
Talent Development Program
Building a Leadership Pipeline for ASEAN Talent Development
Number of Participants: 219 (0.41% of FTEs)
Driven by our strategic vision to become the ASEAN leader in beverages and food, we're committed to accelerating growth through talent development. Filling our talent pipeline hinges on cultivating a high-caliber workforce, which is why our talent strategy prioritizes grooming and developing our employees.

To achieve this, we meticulously designed and implemented the Talent Development Program, expanding our talent pool. Last year, we delivered five structured leadership development programs catering to junior, senior, manager, and director levels. Each program's content aligns with the specific leadership challenges and growth opportunities at each level.
  • Investing in Quality and Impact
    We partnered with leading regional universities and academic institutions to ensure program quality and maximum impact for participants and the business. Our blended learning approach combines instructor-led training with action-learning projects. This not only equips participants with new capabilities but also generates fresh, innovative initiatives for business implementation.
  • Empowering Leaders, Strengthening the Future
    Additionally, participants gain valuable exposure by presenting their projects to our top management team, showcasing their potential and contributing to the company's future success.
Business benefits of the program:
  • Corporate Benefits: Building a Robust Talent Pipeline:
    • Strengthen and expand the company's talent pool: Ensure a steady stream of qualified candidates for critical positions.
    • Facilitate long-term business continuity: Nurture talented and capable human capital for future success.
  • Employee Benefits: Investing in Employee Growth:
    • Prepare future leaders: Equip potential leaders with the skills and experience necessary for career advancement.
    • Provide opportunities for advancement: Offer platforms for employees to showcase their capabilities to senior management.
Quantitative impact of business benefits
  • Corporate Benefits:
    • Supervisory Development Program - Revenue Projection 2025 -
      Estimated 211.4MB (million baht), and Cost Saving 96MB (Approximation)
    • Management Development Program - Revenue generation 2025 - 79MB / Increase 19% Market Share (Approximation) / -15% Young Gen turnover rate in sales
    • ASEAN Management Development Program - 5-20% Growth in ASEAN Market i.e. Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia from Spirits, NAB and Food (Approximation)
    • SCM Young Gen Development Program - The program generated approximately 140MB in additional profit and 29MB in cost savings
    • Spirits New Development Program - Cost Saving 863,524 baht/year (Approximation), and to expand to other factories
    • Talent Pipeline (219 talents): Ensures seamless career transitions for talent and fosters business continuity
  • Employees Benefits:
    • Skill Development: Employees enhance both technical and leadership skills with experts. This prepares them for future roles
    • Career Advancement: gain skills aligned with career goals, readying for leadership positions
    • Recognition: increasing visibility and recognition to management
Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
a) Total Revenue 256,136,087,228 242,782,400,172 274,899,367,519 282,590,265,164
b) Total Operating Expenses 225,969,511,000 213,586,348,000 240,002,879,000 249,645,977,000
c) Total Employee-related expenses (salaries + benefits) 20,008,404,869 19,447,700,000 20,260,000,000 21,493,000,000
HC ROI (a - (b - c)) / c 2.5077 2.50126 2.72243 2.53279
Total Employees 47,649 43,422 49,105 52,347
Currency : Thai Baht (THB)
Average hiring cost/FTE
(Thai Baht)

Under 30 1,920 1,378
30-50 2,013 802
over 50 27 22
Employee Turnover Rate


Employee Turnover: Data Breakdown
**88.12% data coverage
To track employee metrics, our employees engagement survey addresses the following aspects:
1. Job satisfaction  
(external motivation, e.g. I am satisfied with my job)
Career Opportunities
  • I can clearly explain what makes working here different from other organizations
  • I know what career opportunities are available to me.
  • I have been supported by the organization to develop myself for career development.
  • I have opportunities for  career progress in this organization
  • There is effective cooperation between different groups/departments in the organization
  • My co-workers work together to achieve our goals
  • Employees are kept informed on matters that directly affect them
Enabling Infrastructure
  • This organization supports me to initiate ideas to drive organization success 
  • I have the necessary information, tools & resources to perform my job effectively
  • The company responds quickly when office equipment or supplies need to be repair
Learning & Development
  • There are sufficient opportunities for me to develop skills necessary for a different role.
  • This organization strongly supports the learning and development of its employees
Rewards & Recognition
  • My performance has a significant impact on my pay
Senior Leadership
  • Senior leadership treats employees as this organization's most valued asset 
  • High-level executives convey the vision, mission, policy, and value via different channels to individuals in every level.
  • The coaching and mentoring from my supervisor contribute to my learning and potential development.
  • My supervisor sets clear expectations and goals with me
Work Environment
  • The physical work environment (such as desks, office lighting, temperature, etc.) is suitable with the type of work I do.
2. Purpose 
(internal motivation, e.g., my work has a clear sense of purpose) 
Diversity & Inclusion
  • I feel this organization values diversity (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, language, education qualifications, ideas, and perspectives)
  • At work, my opinions and ideas seem to count 
Engagement : Strive
  • This organization inspires me to do my best work every day
  • This organization motivates me to contribute more than is normally required to complete my work
Performance Management
  • I know exactly what I need to do to help this organization meet its goals and objectives
  • My supervisor provides valuable feedback throughout the year that allows me to improve my performance
Work Tasks
  • My work challenges me to use my knowledge and skills fully 
3. Happiness
(e.g., I feel happy at work most of the time)
Engagement : Say
  • Given the opportunity, I tell others great things about working here
Work/Life Balance
  • The balance between my work and personal commitments is right for me 
Safety (Well-being)
  • The organization actively looks after the wellbeing of its employees
4. Stress
(e.g., I feel stressed at work most of the time)
Engagement : Stay
  • It would take a lot to get me to leave this organization
  • I rarely think about leaving this organization to work somewhere else
ThaiBev’s dedication to employee development is evident in the total training hours of 1,533,229 in 2023, with each employee receiving an average of 29.29 hours. Furthermore, our commitment has been recognized with prestigious awards, including:
  • HR Excellence Awards 2023 by Human Resources Online, Singapore:
    • Excellence in In-House Talent Pipeline Strategy: A Gold Award
    • Excellence in Employer Volunteerism: A Silver Award
    • Excellence in HR Innovation: A Silver Award
  • HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2023:
    • Most Caring Company Awards
    • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards
    • Digital Transformation Awards
  • WorkVenture’s Top 50 Employers in Thailand 2023
Key Projects
The Talent Development Program instills employees from cross-functional, international, and company-wide work backgrounds with the right mindset and prepares them for future changes, giving the company a competitive edge that allows it to grow with stability and sustainability. Based on the blended learning approach, the program encourages employees to build up holistic business knowledge and sharpen their leadership skills through means such as classroom learning, sharing sessions, site visits, and action–learning projects that encourage participants to analyze and present ideas that address ThaiBev’s future business needs.
ASEAN Management Development Program (AMD) – 117 Alumni in 3 Batches
Developed jointly with C asean, the AMD elevates executive capabilities for ASEAN’s expanding business landscape. ThaiBev executives from Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, and Myanmar participate in cross-cultural learning, market exploration, and business opportunity identification in the ASEAN landscape.
Management Development Program (MDP) – 315 Alumni in 10 Batches
Offered in partnership with the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration at Chulalongkorn University, the MDP equips participants with the knowledge and skills to enhance their capabilities and prepare them for future executive positions. The program’s immersive learning experience encompasses project-based learning, knowledge sharing, and workshops.
Supervisory Development Program (SDP) – 445 Alumni in 11 Batches
Collaborating with Thammasat University, ThaiBev designed the SDP to broaden participants’ business perspective through experience-sharing by ThaiBev executives and site visits to Thailand’s leading organizations.
Young Talent Development Program – 159 Alumni in 5 Batches
ThaiBev has collaborated with internal executives and professional trainers to design and deliver development programs to enhance and groom younger employees for future growth. The program covers leadership and management skills, business contexts, and functional expertise. Action-based learning projects apply knowledge and skills to tackle real business challenges.
The Spirits Sales Traditional Trade (TT) Development Program
ThaiBev’s Spirits Business Group launched this program to enhance sales executives’ capabilities and maintain market leadership amidst changing market dynamics. The program focused on negotiation, marketing, and consultative selling skills. Delivered by Thammasat Consulting Networking and Coaching Center, the program adopted an experiential approach through workshops. It was divided into three topics, namely Core Business & Marketing Foundations, Consultative Selling Techniques, and Marketing Profitability. Participants presented customer development plans and practiced consultative selling techniques. With a 96% satisfaction rate and 94% Net Promoter Score (NPS), the program demonstrated its effectiveness in improving sales skills and represent and example of real world application in our Action Based Learning (ABL) program.