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The COVID-19 pandemic has upended traditional business models and accelerated the dominance of e-commerce. The pandemic has also impacted how people buy food and beverages in particular, with attention increasingly paid to the source of the products and their labels and nutritional benefits. The availability of effective COVID-19 vaccines is another key driver of business trends.
ThaiBev has always adhered to stringent health and nutritional policies, with a focus on the occupational health and safety of its employees, business partners, and customers.Despite the pandemic’s many negative impacts, various new business opportunities have also emerged, such as the development of new technology, innovation, logistics improvements, and the creation of better health and safety practices.
ThaiBev Strategy Addresses
COVID-19 Challenges
ThaiBev, the company implemented a business continuity plan in a timely manner, allowing its operations to move forward with minimal impact on employees and other stakeholders. In particular, the ThaiBev Situation Room (TSR) was created with the objective to:
  • Monitor and survey the COVID-19 outbreak to formulate policy frameworks and actionable approaches with Human Capital.
  • Collect, monitor, and analyze business performance information across ThaiBev’s value chain.
  • Collect, analyze and present relevant social news from the public and private sectors that may impact ThaiBev.
Management Approach
ThaiBev has implemented effective prevention and safety measures to respond to and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, as follows:
  • As a primary safety measure, the company distributed surgical masks and alcohol to all employees, including those who work from home, ensuring that everyone had sufficient protective equipment for personal use and work-related activities.
  • On a daily basis, all employees, regardless of working location, were required to check-in and perform a COVID-19 self-assessment on the company’s digital platform and mobile application called Beverest Life.
  • The company has formalized processes for 100% of employees and business partners in high-risk areas to be tested for COVID-19.
  • ThaiBev encourages all of its employees to get vaccinated and educates them on vaccinations. The company also shares guidelines for self-care during the pandemic.
  • A COVID-19 prevention manual was developed to promote good hygiene and safety which applied to all operations in the company.
Care and Treatment of
Employees Infected by COVID-19
ThaiBev utilizes Beverest Life, a corporate mobile application, to track and monitor employees’ health and well-being during the crisis. In addition,ThaiBev established a COVID-19 Relief Center (CRC), which provides a 24-7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) service to help facilitate care for employees infected by COVID-19, and has partnered with more than 10 hospitals and hospitels to accommodate patients requiring more intensive care.
ThaiBev’s Other Stakeholder
Welfare Measures
  • ThaiBev collaborates with other stakeholders including the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Thai Chamber of Commerce, private sector business partners and hospitals to promote public health and social well-being. ThaiBev has supported the establishment of out-of-hospital COVID-19 vaccination centers.
  • Provided COVID-19 insurance to 274,000 medical professionals nationwide and more than 50,000 employees and business partners.

  • 98% of employees completed daily digital check-ins and COVID-19 assessment via the Beverest Life application
  • 1.4 million liters of 72% alcohol and more than 9 million masks were distributed
  • 57.18 million THB invested to support the establishment of 4 vaccination centers
  • >230,000 doses of vaccine givens at the 2 out-of-hospital COVID-19 vaccination centers supported by ThaiBev
  • ThaiBev’s actions have reached >1,500 vaccination centers and medical organizations and >5,600 business partners. This includes the provision of medical supplies and vaccination services to the frontline public servants and healthcare workers, e.g., medical professionals, public health volunteers, and academic personnel.