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Thai Beverage Public Company Limited (ThaiBev) recognizes the need to accelerate its actions to address the climate crisis, in order to contribute to global efforts to limit the global temperature increase to below 1.5°C as part of its contribution to the Paris Agreement, and to improve the Company’s resilience to potential climate impacts. The Company recognizes the importance of managing climate-related risks, as well as maximizing the opportunities from climate change, to ensure a sustainable long-term future for its food and beverage operations.

ThaiBev’s journey on TCFD disclosure started in 2019, by expanding the coverage of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting and reporting (including international subsidiaries) in value chain activities; and organizing workshops with employees, management, and executives to discuss the TCFD framework, climate-related risks and opportunities, and climate strategy based on the best international practices and expectations.

This document aims to represent the holistic picture of how ThaiBev identifies, manages, and responds to financial implications of climate-related risks and opportunities according to the TCFD recommendations.

This is the first disclosure of climate-related financial risks and opportunities by ThaiBev in line with the TCFD recommendations. ThaiBev is committed to continually improve its disclosure and climate performance, and update this document annually according to the TCFD requirements to ensure transparency with stakeholders and align with the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) reporting by S&P Global and global best practices.
To address climate-related risks and opportunities properly, the ThaiBev Board of Directors has established the Sustainability and Risk Management Committee (“SRMC”), which comprises both independent and executive directors and senior executives, to support strategic planning for sustainable development, together with managing the overall risks of the ThaiBev Group.

The main roles of the SRMC are to set the Sustainability and Environmental policy, and guideline, covering climate change-related issues, risk management policy and the risk appetite; monitor the sustainability and risk management process; follow up the results with each product group/business unit; and report to the Board of Directors, quarterly or on ad hoc basis. The Board of Directors will make the company-wide decision covering all business operations and investment upon receiving reports from the SRMC.

Senior executives from each product group/business unit level support the SRMC by integrating all sustainability policies, Environmental policies and guideline covering climate change-related issues, into their strategic and operational management from the strategic planning, budgeting, strategy implementation, and day-to-day operations. For example, ThaiBev has implemented a climate-related scenario analysis, climate-related trainings, physical and transition risk and opportunity analysis, and created awareness on TCFD reporting throughout the operations.

Senior executives are supported by other committees, such as the Audit Committee, the Investment Committee and the Group Procurement Committee, the Sustainability Development Working Team (SDWT), and the Corporate Risk Management Working Team who collaborate with risk coordinators from product groups/business units, to ensure effective decision-making and implementation of climate-related policies. Senior executives of product groups/business units are responsible for reporting the sustainability and risk management results of the business under their supervision to the SRMC quarterly or on ad hoc basis. Figure 1 and Table 1 present ThaiBev’s climate governance structure and Climate roles and responsibility. For further detail on ThaiBev’s Risk Management governance, please visit our Annual report (pg. 132) for more details.

Figure 1: ThaiBev Group’s Sustainability Development and Risk Management Structure

Table 1: Climate Governance Responsibilities
Role Responsibilities
Board of Directors (BoD)
  • Approve ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy, including climate-related goals and targets.
  • Approve periodic (annual) Climate Strategy revisions, including strategic direction and high-level improvement recommendations.
  • Oversee climate change issues through a three-dimensional sustainability approach (environmental, social and governance).
  • High-level oversight of ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy implementation. Monitor progress of climate-related goals, targets, and programs/projects (quarterly/annually).
  • Oversee climate-related risks and opportunities associated with ThaiBev’s overall corporate performance and as a separate risk category, i.e., not as part of a wider set of operational risks.
Sustainability & Risk Management Committee (SRMC)
  • Oversee, monitor, and manage Climate-related risks and opportunities as one of the material risks.
  • Report on climate risks (as part of corporate risks) to the BoD and Audit Committee on a quarterly basis (i.e., incorporate climate into the board meeting agenda).
  • Oversee climate-related policy development and monitor climate-related operational processes.
  • Oversee climate risk management and adaptation strategy.
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Assign responsibilities within ThaiBev Functions for ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy implementation.
  • Approve programs/projects under the three pillars aligning with ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy.
  • Oversee ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy implementation and monitor progress of climate-related goals, targets, and programs/projects (monthly).
  • Incorporate climate-related issues into corporate’s strategic decision-making process, with support from the SRMC and Investment Committees.
  • Agree on and propose to the SRMC for BoD approval of climate-related programs/projects under the three pillars of ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy.
  • Review and rectify ThaiBev’s climate performance and its programs.
Investment Committee
  • Incorporate climate-related risks and opportunities as a factor in analysis of major capital expenditures, acquisition, and divestment.
Sustainable Development Working Team (SDWT), in collaboration with Product Group/Business Unit (PG/BU)
  • Serve as a coordination body within ThaiBev for Climate Strategy Implementation.
  • Design and initiate climate-related capacity building, including stakeholder engagement programs and partnerships.
  • Develop/implement climate-related programs/projects under the three pillars of ThaiBev’s Climate Strategy.
  • Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders for Climate Strategy implementation and climate risk management.
  • Collect climate-related primary data from the PG/BUs, consolidate and analyze climate-related data for performance tracking, and prepare periodic (quarterly/annual) reports for SRMC (and eventually BoD).
Corporate Risk Management Working Team (CRMWT), in collaboration with Product Group/Business Unit (PG/BU)
  • Coordinate with PG risk coordinators to monitor PG/BU-specific climate-related risks, and report to PG/BU-level senior executives and SRMC.
To ensure accountability for sustainability and climate-related actions, ThaiBev has integrated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and climate change-related key performance indicators (KPIs) and monetary incentives as part of employees’ targets for example:
  • Company target of 15% reduction of GHG emission by 2025 compared to the 2019 base year.
  • Business Unit Manager has a target of more than 5% reduction in water intensity and 40% renewable energy use by 2025
Each of ThaiBev’s product groups, together with Sustainability Development Working Team (SDWT) and the Corporate Risk Management Working Team, conducted:
  • A natural hazard and physical risk assessment of their production sites to identify climate-related risks. ThaiBev also extended this assessment to suppliers, to identify areas of water stress and other climate-related risks, with the end goal to improve resilience and resource efficiency in the supply chain.
  • Risks and opportunities assessment related to a low carbon economy transition, as well as potential measures to address such risks, e.g., through using renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and capacity building.
ThaiBev has identified a timeframe of climate-related physical and transition risks as follows; Short term (1-3 years), Medium term (3-10) years, and Long-term >10 years. Identified climate-related risk and opportunity are presented below in Table 2 and Table 3.
Table 2: ThaiBev’s Climate Transition and Physical Risks
The following table summarizes climate-related financial risks that have been identified by ThaiBev.
Transition risks Physical risks
Policy and Legal Compliance
  • 1. Water Tariff
    Possibility of increased production costs of beverage products caused by an increased water tariff in Thailand, from the endorsement of a new National Water Resources Act in December 2018.
    Timeframe: Short term 0-3 years
  • 2. Carbon Pricing
    Carbon-pricing policies may be applied in Thailand in the future, which will affect ThaiBev’s operational cost.
    Medium term 3-10 years
  • Natural disasters and increasing occurrence of extreme weather events, such as floods, storms and landslides can cause damage to ThaiBev’s production plants causing delays or stopping production and supply chain disruptions, including increasing costs of operation and damage compensation.
    Long term >10 years
Market Changes
  • Changing in consumer preference toward low carbon products and demand for renewable carbon-neutral energy, which require less use of fossil fuel in the business operation. These changing trends may challenge ThaiBev’s product portfolio if ThaiBev’s fossil fuel consumption remains high. Change in consumer demand could affect ThaiBev’s revenue flows.
    Medium term 3-10 years
  • 1. Water Stress
    Changes in water availability can affect ThaiBev’s production line, supply chain, and revenue, especially when some of ThaiBev’s factories are located in high water stress areas.
    Long term >10 years
  • 2. Sea water intrusion
    Fresh water sources are crucial for ThaiBev’s operation. Saltwater intrusion into aquifers can cause disruption to ThaiBev’s production leading to more spending for operation cost of buying fresh water.
    Short term 1-3 years
  • 3. Increasing Temperature
    Changes in air temperature will decrease crop yields throughout ThaiBev’s supply chain, causing a higher cost of material sourcing.
    Long term >10 years
  • Emergence of new refrigerants to with lower global warming potential to replace existing HFC refrigerants could increase operational costs due to higher costs of refrigerants.
    Medium term 3-10 years
  • No material climate-related reputation risks to ThaiBev have been identified. As long as ThaiBev continues to strives in efforts to be transparent to investors as well as to continually improve according to its Climate Strategy, then most reputational risks will be avoided.
Table 3: ThaiBev’s Climate Transition Opportunities
Climate-related financial opportunities for ThaiBev are presented in the table below.
Climate opportunities Description
Transition to Circular Economy
ThaiBev utilizes a significant amount of resources for the manufacture of its products. In the future, a greater proportion of those resources can be produced using the circular economy concept. This could be a financial opportunity if there is recycling in the countries ThaiBev operates in and if the cost of technology makes it financially feasible. It could be an opportunity once recycled materials become cheaper than virgin materials. Example of recyclable materials include PET, aluminum, and paper; composting food waste; and potential materials produced by future technology.
Short term 1-3 years
Energy Sources
ThaiBev has implemented various projects in its own operations, beginning with conducting energy efficiency assessments in all business units, in order to determine suitable technology applications. In the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage production, once-through boilers and high-capacity motors were installed. ThaiBev also has plans to install solar rooftops at productions plants. It is expected that by investing in low carbon energy sources, the company will benefit from GHG reductions and decreased dependence on fossil fuels, which may cost more in the future.
Medium term 3-10 years
Products and Services (Low Carbon Products)
ThaiBev recognizes the importance of low carbon products and carbon labels. Currently, 22% of beer and non-alcoholic beverage products (64% of total income) have received approval for the Carbon Footprint of Products and Carbon Footprint Reduction Label, while 100% of the total income from the product group has been included in the company wide GHG emissions assessment. ThaiBev expects that these products will have a greater share in ThaiBev’s total profit and lower emissions in the future.
Medium term 3-10 years
Stakeholders’ (investors, consumers, lenders, host countries) expectations are increasing for eco-efficiency, environmentally friendly products, and disclosure on material climate change risks. Through proper disclosure and engagement with stakeholders, ThaiBev can use this opportunity to gain more trust from its stakeholders.
Long term >10 years
Climate Strategy
ThaiBev has integrated climate change risks and opportunities into its strategy and operations to drive continued improvement and to enhance its resilience. In 2020, ThaiBev conducted a series of workshops with its employees and senior executives to define the three pillars of the Company’s climate strategy, in order to adapt to and mitigate climate change while enhancing value creation for ThaiBev’s business and connected communities.

Improve ThaiBev’s climate resilience and support a low-carbon economy in line with the 1.5-2°C pathway
“To adapt to and mitigate climate change while enhancing value creation for ThaiBev’s business and connected communities’”

Pillar 1: Adaptation
Adapt to physical risks from climate change:
Develop risk management approaches to respond to physical risks that may cause disruption to ThaiBev’s operations, its economic value chains, and communities.
Climate Physical Risk Assessment:
ThaiBev conducted a desktop climate physical risk assessment of natural hazards up to 2030 at production site in Thailand and overseas, considered high-level evaluation of physical risk from natural hazards to develop appropriate scenario analysis and adaptation plans.

Water Sustainability Assessment:
ThaiBev initiated the Water Sustainability Assessment (WSA) for both surface water and groundwater for in-depth assessment of present and future risks and opportunities covering; water availability, water quality, regulatory changes, and stakeholder perceptions.
Pillar 2: Transition Risks/GHG Mitigation
Mitigate the risks towards a low carbon transition:
take transformative steps to mitigate GHG emissions, invest in low carbon solutions, and foster sustainable product development to meet the future market demands and address transition risks.
Renewable Energy and Operation Efficiency

Solar Rooftop Project:
installation of solar plant, with a total capacity of 20 megawatts (MWh) on the rooftop of 27 factories in Thailand and one in Myanmar which will be completed by 2025.

Biogas Plants Investment:
ThaiBev invested in two biogas plants (generate energy with by-product of alcohol distillation) in Nakhon Sawan and Nong Khai Provinces, in addition to five existing biogas plants. The new projects are expected to reduce GHG emission by 76,000 tCO2e per year.

Low Carbon Products:
ThaiBev currently has 22 products from beer and non-alcoholic beverage (64% of total income) that have received approval for the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP)1 and Carbon Footprint Reduction (CFR)2 certification.

Packaging & Circular Economy:
ThaiBev worked with business partners to develop innovation e.g. low carbon plastic shrink film, using recycle polyethylene (PE), which helps reduce plastic waste by 45 tons and reduce GHG emission by 53 tCO2e per year.
1 Carbon Footprint of Product certification is defined as Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) of a product through its life cycle stages. The CFP could be used as labeling information disclosed on products and services for facilitating decision in choosing products and services. (TGO, 2020)

2 Carbon Footprint Reduction certification is a label that demonstrates a certified Carbon Footprint of Product (CFP) and its emissions reduction based on the TGO eligible reduction criteria. (TGO, 2020)
Pillar 3: Community
Supporting climate action and sustainable livelihoods of local communities connected to its operations.
ThaiBev focuses on educating and training farmers as well as encouraging communities to help conserve forests, resources, and prepare for natural disasters. ThaiBev also collaborates with partner organizations to initiate projects aiming to improve communities’ quality of life, stimulating local economies, and protecting natural resources with learning opportunities i.e. reforestation and mangrove rehabilitation, and organic farming initiative.
Risk Management

Scenario Analysis
ThaiBev conducted a desktop physical risk assessment of natural hazards up to 2030 & 2080 at all production sites in Thailand and overseas to better understand the physical risks and prepare for the impacts of climate change under different climate scenarios of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5. ThaiBev studied the following climate-related natural hazards: cyclones, wildfires, water stress, floods, landslides, extreme winds, sea level rise, and storm surges. From these identified issues, individual production sites were engaged to develop appropriate risk management and mitigation plans. The Water Sustainability Assessment (WSA) is conducted for both surface water and groundwater for an in-depth assessment of potential climate-related risks. All identified issues were reviewed using ThaiBev’s process for assessing key sustainability issues to prioritize risks.
Please visit our sustainability report for more details on issue prioritization, see pages 32-33.

ThaiBev has also conducted a scenario analysis for transition risks and opportunities against the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)1 and the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) 2-Degree Scenario (2DS). The risk and scenario analysis considered many factors, such as international frameworks, regulatory requirements, operating geography and sector, consumer behavior changes, and business financial capacity. 

For more details on the risk assessment and materiality assessment please refer to pages 29-33 in the Sustainability Report 2020.

ThaiBev consistently tracks its energy consumption and carbon footprint to identify GHG emitted by corporate activities and each product throughout its life cycle to prioritize GHG emission hotspots and initiate GHG mitigation measures, e.g., adoption of advanced and energy-saving technology, and machinery. In addition, all of ThaiBev’s domestic and international production plants have been analyzed and assessed for the risk of natural disasters that may arise from climate change until 2030, and to prepare for the impacts of climate change.
1Thailand set the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for Paris Agreement target of reducing GHG emissions in 2030 to about 20% below the business-as-usual level. Focusing in three main sectors; Energy and Transport, Waste, IPPU.
ThaiBev’s Climate-related Issues Prioritization and Management
ThaiBev has integrated climate-related risks into multi-disciplinary company-wide risk management processes through the five steps in ThaiBev’s risk management process, covering the assessment of size and scope of identified climate-related risks is shown in the Figure 3 below.

Figure 3: ThaiBev’s Five Steps Risk Management Process

Identified risks are ranked, assessed, scoped and monitored by the Sustainability and Risk Management Committee, which consists of independent and executive directors, and senior management. The Committee is responsible for ensuring sound risk and sustainability management, by monitoring possible impacts of climate change on company operations, planning, and taking actions to mitigate these risks. For overview of roles and responsibility according to ThaiBev Risk Management Process, please see Table 4 below.

The Company also held a series of TCFD training sessions for ThaiBev executives and sustainability practitioners to embed understanding of the TCFD requirements and processes to educate them on linkage between climate change and risks.
Table 4: Roles and Responsibilities of ThaiBev’s Functions on Climate-related issues Prioritization and Management
Role Responsibility According to ThaiBev’s Risk Management Process
Board of Directors (BoD) Oversee climate-related risks and opportunities associated with ThaiBev’s overall corporate performance
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 1.Objective Setting

Align objectives of the organization/ product groups/ business units
  • Incorporate Climate change as one of the material risks which needs attention
  • Assign responsibilities within each Functions for Climate risk management
  3.Risks Assessment
  • Risks are assessed by comparing with the risk appetite, covering financial impact
  • Size and scope of the impacts are identified through internal engagement

Sustainability report 2020, pp 31-33
4.Determination of countermeasures, key risk indicators, and key performance indicators
  • Monitoring of risks identified through the use of proper indication and collaboration of data collection between each functions
5. Reporting and evaluation of risk management
  • SRMC Report on climate risks to the BoD and Audit Committee
  • All function report to SRMC on ad hoc basis
Sustainability & Risk Management Committee (SRMC)
Investment Committee 2.Business risks/ opportunities identification

Risks and opportunities are identified through research and stakeholder engagement

Sustainability report 2020, pp 29-31
Sustainable Development Working Team (SDWT) and Corporate Risk Management Working Team (CRMWT), in collaboration with Product Group/Business Unit (PG/BU)  
Metrics and Targets

ThaiBev utilizes its own environmental data collection tool for all of the ThaiBev Group to ensure standardized data collection and calculation. This tool collects energy, emissions, water, wastewater, waste, and environmental compliance data.

The tool quantifies the following Scope 1 GHG emissions activities:
  • Stationary combustion (including biogenic emissions),
  • Mobile combustion (including biogenic emissions),
  • Biogas flaring,
  • CO2 from carbonation (direct emissions),
  • Fugitive emissions of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and
  • Fugitive emissions from wastewater treatment.
The tool quantifies the following Scope 2 GHG emissions activities:
  • Location based emissions from grid electricity consumption.
Gases included in our inventory are CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, and SF6. PFCs and NF3 are not relevant to operations. ThaiBev uses emission factors from the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). For energy conversions, Net Calorific Values (NCVs) sourced from IPCC and Thailand Ministry of Energy were used. Global warming potentials were used from the following source: Global Warming Potential (100 year), and IPCC 4th Assessment Report, 2007. Our GHG data undergoes annual third-party assurance as part of our sustainability reporting process (see our Sustainability Report, pg. 230-231)

ThaiBev has long collaborated with suppliers and business partners to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions, through application of the CROSS Procurement solution with the Supplier Life Cycle Management (SLCM) system (for more details on the program, please refer to the Supplier Award in our Sustainability Report 2019, pp 47-51 ) . With ThaiBev’s commitment to the 1.5 – 2°C temperature limit this century, ThaiBev has expanded our GHG accounting to all material Scope 3 emission categories based on the GHG Protocol. A screening assessment of relevant Scope 3 GHG emission categories was first performed in FY 2019. ThaiBev has begun accounting for public disclosure for the first time in FY 2021, allowing a base year to be set and incorporation of the Scope 3 GHG emissions total into ThaiBev’s science-based target.

Other climate-related metrics and targets related to energy and water management can be found in the Company’s Sustainability Report 2020, pg 221-225.
Climate-related Metrics
GHG Emissions Data
Performance Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Metric tons CO2e 1,144,905 1,053,716 1,371,739 1,331,768
Gross Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Metric tons CO2e 901,067 826,801 927,649 881,891
Biogenic CO2 emissions Metric tons CO2e 243,837 226,915 444,090 449,877
Energy indirect (scope 2) GHG emissions Metric tons CO2e 179,078 163,317 186,696 180,966
GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) Metric tons CO2e 1,080,145 990,119 1,114,345 1,062,857
For other metrics please refer to ThaiBev’s sustainability report 2020 page 221-224
ThaiBev has performed a screening of relevant scope 3 emission categories in FY 2020 and plans to disclose these categories in FY 2021 with third-party verification. This will then be used as a base year for scope 3 emissions and allow these emissions to be incorporated into ThaiBev’s emission reduction targets.
Climate-related Opportunity Metrics
Metrics 2018 2019 2020
Low Carbon Products
Revenue from low carbon products (% of total revenue) 1.4% 18.9% 15%
Number of products with Carbon Footprint of Product (CFP) certification 50 59 105
Number of products with Carbon Footprint Reduction (CFR) certification 16 21 19
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy consumption (MWh) 288,080 691,313 779,995
% Renewable Energy Consumption of Total Energy Consumption 16.5 30.2 34.1
Circular Economy Metrics
Planned Actions Locations Investment Amount
Collection point & sorting plant for recyclable materials - Northeastern of Thailand Nakhon Ratchasima 40.34 mil THB
Cullet sorting plant Nakhon Ratchasima 58.11 mil THB
Total 98.45 mil THB
Climate-related Targets
2020-2024 Target
A minimum of a 2.5% absolute reduction per year for both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions per year, aligned with 1.5°C scenario (Science-based target, SBTi)
2025 Target
Committed to reduce absolute greenhouse gas Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 15% in all businesses by 2025 (compared to 2019 base year).
Other climate-related targets
Climate-related targets
Pillar 1 Adaptation
Water management targets
  • 5% reduction of water intensity by 2025 compared to 2019
  • Complete water sustainability assessment for all 34 production plants in Thailand by 2023 and production overseas by 2024.
Pillar 2 Transition Risk/GHG mitigation
Energy and renewable energy targets
  • Renewable energy consumption to be least 40% of total energy use annually by 2025
Packaging targets
  • 100% of glass and paper packaging sold in Thailand to be retrieved for reuse or recycling by 2025
  • 100% of main packaging used in production processes are reusable, recyclable or compostable materials by 2025
  • Retrieve 100% of PET bottles and aluminium cans sold in Thailand by 2030
  • Reduce Raw Materials used for aluminium can production by 2,700 tons by 2030, compared to 2,156 tons in 2020
Low carbon product
  • Have more products certified for CFR – at least 30% of ThaiBev’s total revenue by 2025.
Pillar 3 Communities
  • Community Development target :
    Main initiatives covering from providing blankets to the community affected by cold weather, forest and biodiversity restoration and conservation, rehabilitation for victims of landslide and mudslide, and supporting community-based tourism
  • Pracharath Rak Samakkee Project :
    A partnership network across public sector, private sector, academic sector, civil society sector, and the people which operates under the “Social Enterprises” and “Sufficiency Economy” concepts
ThaiBev will further refine and update a list of climate-related targets in the following TCFD disclosures.
TCFD Content Index
TCFD Recommendation ThaiBev’s Annual Report, Sustainability Report and Website
Disclose the organization’s governance of climate-related risks and opportunities.
a) Describe the board's oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities ThaiBev Annual Report 2020
  • Risk Management and Risk Factors, pp. 132 – 133
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 4, 14
b) Describe management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 3-6, 14
Disclose the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning where such information is material.
a) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the organization has identified over the short, medium and long term ThaiBev Annual Report 2020
  • Climate Change Risk, pp. 137
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 7-9
b) Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization's businesses, strategy, and financial planning ThaiBev Annual Report 2020
  • Climate Change Risk, pp. 137
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 7-9
c) Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration different climate related scenarios, including a 2°C or Lower scenario. ThaiBev Sustainability Report 2020
  • Climate Change, pp 55-59
  • Energy Management, pp 61-65
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 9-12
Risk Management
Disclose how the organization identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks
a) Describe the organization's processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks ThaiBev Annual Report 2020
  • Risk Management and Risk Factors, pp. 132 – 133
ThaiBev Sustainability Report 2020
  • Assessment of Key Sustainability Issues, pp. 31-33
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 12-14
b) Describe the organization's processes for managing climate-related risks ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 12-14
c) Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization's overall risk management ThaiBev Annual Report 2020
  • Risk Management and Risk Factors, pp. 133-137
ThaiBev Sustainability Report 2020
  • Assessment of Key Sustainability Issues, pp. 31-33
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 12-14
Metrics & Targets
Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities where such information is material
a) Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp. 15-16
  • Performance Summary 2020
b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 GHG emissions, and the related risks ThaiBev Sustainability Report 2020
  • Performance Summary pp. 221-225
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 16
c) Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate-related risks and opportunities and performance against targets ThaiBev Sustainability Report 2020
  • Climate Change targets, pp. 55 & 59
  • Energy management targets pp. 65
  • Water Stewardship targets pp. 73
  • Waste and Packaging management targets pp. 81
  • ThaiBev Climate Change Approach pp. 3
  • ThaiBev TCFD Disclosure 2021, pp 17