of suppliers with high risk
have corrective action plan
Suppliers that are identified with high risks or have non-compliance issues from the supplier assessment are required to submit correction action plan within the designated timeline. Their corrective action implementation is also monitored and reviewed by ThaiBev auditor. ThaiBev will also provide feedback and support to suppliers during their corrective action implementation where required.
of significant suppliers covered
in supplier training and knowledge sharing program
ThaiBev organizes training and knowledge sharing program for suppliers via Thailand Supply Chain Network (TSCN). The program is organized on a regular basis with the aim to develop supplier capability and increase supplier’s awareness on sustainable development. The program includes both sustainability and business topics.
Click here for more details
of local critical suppliers
participating in ThaiBev
Business Partner Award
ThaiBev invites critical suppliers and strategic suppliers to participate in Business Partner Award Program annually to recognize the suppliers with an outstanding performance. The Business Partner Award criteria include quality, commercial, delivery, project development, and sustainability. Sustainability is weighted 20%.