Home / 2018 Sustainability Report / Creating and Sharing the Value of Growth for a Sustainable Future Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment

ThaiBev is determined to be an organization that promotes the happiness of its employees. As such, the safety, occupational health, and working environment of employees and stakeholders are considered crucial factors. In order to set a good example for society, ThaiBev has continuously devoted itself to improving its policies and standards in terms of safety, occupational health and the working environment.
  • ThaiBev requires that safety is maintained in all processes in accordance with the legal requirements for safety, occupational health, and the working environment, and ThaiBev ensures that it also conforms to international standards and other regulations. This ensures that employees, business partners, contractors, and other stakeholders are provided the highest level of safety and preventive measures to mitigate risks related to work, accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses.
  • For better quality of life and to promote the good health of employees, the working environment and hygienic standards have been improved to benefit employees’ physical and mental health.
  • To raise awareness and encourage employees of all levels to recognize the seriousness of safety, occupational health, and the working environment, ThaiBev has continuously educated its employees through training and activities, as well as various types of communication programs.

Safety Culture

STORY Safety and Occupational Health
  • ThaiBev has organized training sessions about work safety and emergency drills for employees. The training sessions have been organized annually for ThaiBev and its subsidiaries. These training sessions provide participants with a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities regarding safety, thereby equipping them with the ability to monitor performance and project planning with safety issues in mind.
  • In 2018, ThaiBev organized “Smile@Safety Week” at ThaiBev headquarters. With more than 1,000 employees in attendance, the event aimed to raise awareness and promote a culture of safety. Exhibition booths promoted several aspects of safety, accident reduction, and occupational health, for instance, safety symbols in the workplace, a demonstration of life-saving by The Heart Foundation of Thailand, and knowledge of fire hazards and how to correctly operate fire extinguishers. During the event, employees also participated in various activities focused on disseminating useful knowledge on safety, occupational health, and the working environment.
  • ThaiBev is determined to improve its occupational health and safety practices in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 standard. Companies within the ThaiBev Group have also been recognized as Outstanding Example in Safety, Occupational Health, and Working Environment for many consecutive years.
Employee Wellbeing
In 2018, ThaiBev established policies and activities to further enhance the wellbeing of employees within the organization to support good health and safety. The policy and activity plans cover four main components: physical health, mental health, safety, and the working environment.
  • ThaiBev organizes annual health checkups for employees with tailored checkup programs based on risk factors and age groups. For example, electrocardiogram checkups for employees aged 35 years and older, and breast cancer screening for at-risk female employees. ThaiBev also provides preventive care, such as annual influenza vaccinations.
  • “Preparing All-Ages-Employees for Happiness after Retirement” Campaign served to both raise awareness and educate employees in their respective age groups. ThaiBev organized the “2 Talks 2 Tones” program, with the theme of “Enjoy Work, Live the Life” for younger employees. Another program was based on the theme of “Manage the Readiness and Happiness Before Retirement” and was conducted for employees in general. The event focused primarily on topics related to saving and spending, financial planning, and other beneficial information from ThaiBev and the public sector, as well as health care and mental health management. In each event, speakers and content were selected to suit the target audience. ThaiBev initiated the event for the first time in 2018 with over 300 participants and will continue the campaign next year.
  • “Day Care for ThaiBev Kids” was piloted for the first time during the school holidays in April 2018 for employees’ children (kindergarten and elementary school) to spend quality time enjoying art activities and life-skills lessons. During these activities, children are taught to respect rules, be self-reliant, and to help, share, and live harmoniously with others. The activities were led by teachers who were responsible for daily activities and recreation.
Work Environment
  • ThaiBev monitors the environmental quality of the workplace in compliance with laws and regulations, including measurements of light intensity, heat, sound, dust and chemicals. Failures in any area will be fixed promptly; for example, fluorescent lamps were replaced with LED lamps in areas with poor lighting. Additionally, ThaiBev inspected office buildings for indoor air quality. ThaiBev has conducted these measurements at least once a year.
  • Additional fire extinguishers were installed and plans were made to test the automatic fire extinguishers system inside buildings. ThaiBev has also upgraded fire hoses, fire hose boxes, and implemented a plan to install a fire department connection on the side of the building to get water from the fire engine in case the building’s water supply system is not sufficient.





Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
  • ThaiBev aims to constantly improve its safety standards with the goal of achieving a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 1.0 by the year 2020.
  • To reflect ThaiBev’s goal of caring for its employees’ physical and mental health, improvements are being planned to ThaiBev’s safety infrastructure and to the activities that enhance employee wellbeing.
  • Based on employee feedback, additional wellness activities are being planned to meet the needs of different age groups, and to have them tailored to the different work characteristics of different employee groups.
  • ThaiBev will prepare employees of all ages for a life of satisfaction after retirement through lectures and activities covering various topics, including physical and mental health, financial management, and better knowledge of employee benefits. Internal public relations campaigns are conducted to increase the number of participating employees.

2018 Sustainability