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ThaiBev is determined to be an organization that promotes the happiness of its employees. As such, the safety, occupational health, and working environment of employees and stakeholders are considered crucial factors. In order to set a good example for society, ThaiBev has continuously devoted itself to improving its policies and standards in terms of safety, occupational health and the working environment.
  • ThaiBev requires that safety is maintained in all processes in accordance with the legal requirements for safety, occupational health, and the working environment, and ThaiBev ensures that it also conforms to international standards and other regulations. This ensures that employees, business partners, contractors, and other stakeholders are provided the highest level of safety and preventive measures to mitigate risks related to work, accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses.
  • For better quality of life and to promote the good health of employees, the working environment and hygienic standards have been improved to benefit employees’ physical and mental health.
  • To raise awareness and encourage employees of all levels to recognize the seriousness of safety, occupational health, and the working environment, ThaiBev has continuously educated its employees through training and activities, as well as various types of communication programs.